Leadership Coaching Online

Are you in a position of power in your workplace but often feel inadequate as you navigate the role’s daily pressures?

Is it hard to get rid of that sense that maybe you just weren’t cut out for this?

Have you been recently promoted and found out that being a manager is not what you expected?


Leadership Coaching is the cure to that imposter syndrome you’re facing.

We can help you find confidence in your work life again.


What is Leadership Coaching?


Leadership coaching is a growth process that encourages leaders to build on the skills they already possess so they can apply them effectively in their role.

Your leadership coaching will be tailor-made for you so you get the opportunity to hone your unique abilities. You will reinforce strengths and gain supportive tools through one-on-one sessions or try it in a group setting for your management team.

In leadership coaching, we begin by assessing the way that you lead

Together, we set goals that will increase your emotional agility so you feel confident in navigating change and communicating effectively. As we work together, we will create the support you need to move toward achieving your short-term goals while preparing you for challenges that may arise in the long-term.


Leadership coaching is available for leaders of all levels to enhance their performance.



What Makes a Good Leader?

“Anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.”

— Brene Brown, Dare to Lead

Are You a Good Leader?


Good Leaders must be able to delegate tasks effortlessly. They should be aware of their own shortcomings and able to feel empathy for their team members in order to motivate them. They feel capable of working with their team to earn their respect. 

Good leaders inspire others and are flexible under pressure. 

You don’t have to already be these things to make the most of your role because above all, good leaders make room for growth. Whether you feel you’ve got what it takes or you’re looking to grow into your leadership role, coaching can help.

Most leaders begin in a space of possibility. Their potential sets them on the path of leadership—they might already possess and implement a few of the important characteristics. 

Without coaching, even the most potential potential can fall flat. Leaders without a good grasp of their leadership styles may struggle to find techniques that meet the needs of their teams, and may not recognize where they fall short.

With coaching, leaders can reach their full potential with precise support to spark inspiration in their own role as well as their team.


Who Needs Leadership Coaching?


Leadership coaching helps fulfill many goals for companies and managers alike.

  • Organizations that are growing and want to expand their leadership bench can promote from within and train the future leaders of their company. 

  • Leaders who want to gain an edge in self-marketing and branding can also obtain immense benefits from leadership coaching.

You don’t need to be worried about your skill set to benefit from leadership coaching. 

In fact, many successful leaders seek regular leadership coaching sessions—it’s one of the reasons why they’re successful in the first place. 

Leadership coaching can make good leaders even better by sharpening their skills.


Do You Need Leadership Coaching?


Find New Insights

Working with a coach helps a leader discover their hidden strengths and support their weaknesses. You will establish a system of checks and balances to feel empowered in the way you lead, so you can evaluate your own performance as you encourage and support your team.

Through goal setting alongside your coach, you’ll be able to monitor your own progress to assess where extra support is needed. As we reflect on your leadership growth, we’ll celebrate your improvement milestones while continuing to look forward toward the potential your growth will create for you.


Keep an Open Mind

Leaders need to be able to think on their feet, and they need to be flexible when obstacles get in their way. Coaching is the foundation for creating the tools that will help open your mind to new perspectives.

By encouraging other points of view, you’ll expand the ways you can support and hear your team. We’ll prioritize asking intentional questions so we can help you rise to a new level of enhanced thinking under pressure.

Better Performance & Communication

Two of the most essential characteristics of a good leader are achieving goals and communicating efficiently with team members. 

Through coaching, we often realize our communication isn’t always as clear as we think. Using targeted tools tailored to your communication styles and strengths, you’ll learn strategies to improve understanding throughout your organization or business.


Leadership Coaching is available for weekly 1:1 coaching sessions or is available for teams in group settings or retreats


Leadership coaching includes: 

  • Gathering and analyzing data on leadership skills and styles

  • Offering guidance and support and addressing specific and general concerns

  • Providing tools and resources, such as learning opportunities, technology, and reading materials

  • Assisting with the setting and carrying out of goals

  • Offering professional feedback on the leader's skills and progress


What Your Business Needs in 2021


The best way to improve a company is through organizational development.

How is the organization operating on a daily basis?

What processes, strategies, and structures are set in place to encourage effective procedures?

If you’re looking to enhance your organization, look no further. 

With many of our preconceived ideas about work changing throughout 2020 and onto 2021, good leadership and organizational development are now more valuable than ever. As day to day roles and challenges change in employee’s lives inside of work and out, they are looking to their leaders for support. By giving leaders access to the resources they’ll need, organizations can help maintain motivation so their leaders and culture can grow compassionately.  


Be a Leader in Anti-racism

Part of being a good leader involves understanding your team to motivate them and earn their respect. In our multicultural society, being aware of privilege and your employee’s multiple identities can help you advocate for your team and bridge the gap between equality and equity. As an ally to people from diverse racial backgrounds, you’ll be better equipped to engage, connect, and inspire your team, making your workplace feel safe and prosperous.

Be a Leader in Culturally-Responsive Care

There are different types of intelligence, many of which are necessary for effective leadership. Cultural and interpersonal intelligence is critical as you establish a common language with your team. 

By being aware of cultural and implicit bias, you can help your employees from diverse backgrounds work together in more effective ways. 

Be a Trauma-Informed Leader

Trauma has an impact on a person’s entire life—work and career is no exception. Being a leader who is aware of trauma and how it can affect their team will put you at an advantage in maintaining the mental health of your team and those they come in contact with. 

Learning to recognize the symptoms of trauma and encouraging your employees to do the same can greatly benefit your organization.



Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level?